Leading and enabling people to discover, experience and live in the presence of God.
Leading and enabling people to discover, experience and live in the presence of God.

Worship & Ministry Opportunity!

Service Times

Sunday Service: 10:30 am
Wednesday: 6:30 pm

Children’s Service Options

Nursery: Birth – pre-school. Nursery is provided during Sunday morning and Wednesday evenings.

Children’s Church: Children’s church is offered to children in kindergarten – 5th grade.

Wednesday Night: Wednesday Night is Family Night at The Bridge. We offer traditional Bible study for kids of all ages.

Small Groups

Woman’s Bible Study: meets the third Saturday of each month at 8:30 am. The Women’s ministry is currently studying the Women of the Bible. The morning starts with a time of breakfast (bring your own) and fellowship that leads into our study time.

Men’s Bible Study: meets the second Saturday of each month at 8:00 am
On Saturday morning’s the men come together for breakfast and fellowship before a time of Bible study. This study meets at the church. The Men’s group is going through a study about evangelism. At this time the men are asking everyone to bring their own breakfast.

